Test your installation

We’re gonna test a few components to make sure everything is working correctly.

  • The catkin build during install command has no errors
  • Gazebo starts normally
  • lwr_utils starts normally
  • Gazebo inside orocos (embedded) starts normally


The Gazebo server in the final setup is launched inside the gazebo component (that you can see if you type ls). You will not be able to launch gazebo separately, it has to be instanciated inside the orocos deployer via this method. This component is provided by the rtt_gazebo_embedded package.

Making sure everything is built

Every one of these commands should provide no errors (all green).

# Orocos Toolchain 2.9
catkin build -s -w ~/isir/orocos-2.9_ws
# Orocos-ROS bridge
catkin build -s -w ~/isir/rtt_ros-2.9_ws
# Rtt lwr
catkin build -s -w ~/isir/lwr_ws


Gazebo needs to get some models at the first launch, so in a terminal type :

gzserver --verbose

Then ctrl+C to close it and type :



Gazebo with ROS plugin

Start the roscore : roscore

Close any instance of gazebo running, and then launch gazebo with the ros plugins :

gazebo -s libgazebo_ros_paths_plugin.so -s libgazebo_ros_api_plugin.so --verbose

Upload the robot’s URDF

roslaunch lwr_description lwr_upload.launch
# you can also pass load_ati_sensor:=true load_handle:=true load_base:=true


If the ROS API is loaded correctly, this command should exit immediately

Spawn to robot into Gazebo

roslaunch lwr_utils spawn_robot.launch robot_name:=lwr_sim


If the model has been correctly uploaded, this command should also exit immediately


Gazebo inside the OROCOS Deployer


Close all previous nodes, roscore, deployers, windows etc, and start the main deployer with gazebo.

Now gazebo is launched inside the orocos deployer !

roslaunch lwr_utils run.launch sim:=true
# this launches gazebo inside the orocos deployer


You can see the robot in the gazebo gui because the model is spawned into gazebo via the main launch file. Still, it has no interface to send commands, what we’ll do in the next step.

Now type :

# Load the lwr interface in the deployer
loadRobot(getRobotName(), isSim(), true)
# Let it load, then print the components :

You should see all the components running [R] :
