
Orocos tutorial

Orocos Basics

First, make you have the lwr workspace loaded source ~/isir/lwr_ws/devel/setup.bash


Put this source file in your .bashrc : echo `source ~/isir/lwr_ws/devel/setup.bash` >> ~/.bashrc

Official documentation about the Orocos RealTime Toolkit (RTT) can be found here : http://www.orocos.org/stable/documentation/rtt/v2.x/doc-xml/orocos-components-manual.html

The [orocos] Toolchain allows setup, distribution and the building of real-time software components. It is sometimes refered to as ‘middleware’ because it sits between the application and the Operating System. It takes care of the real-time communication and execution of software components.

All components are ‘deployed’ using a single executable called the ‘deployer’. The main deployer has the ability to load component, connect them to exchange data, start, stop, change their rate etc. To launch it just type in a terminal :


Example of a simple 2 components deployement :

# Let's load a built-in orocos component
loadComponent("hello","OCL::HelloWorld") # calls the constructor
# If you want to see its ports, properties, attribues :
ls hello
# You can see :
# Data Flow Ports:
# Out(U)      string the_results    =>
#  In(U)      string the_buffer_port <= ( use 'the_buffer_port.read(sample)'
# to read a sample from this port)
# It means it has 1 input port and 1 output port
# We'll build another component of the same type

# Let's connect their interface
# It's a bi-laterial connection that allow hello1 to connect with hello2's
# ports, attributes etc, and also hello2 to get data from hello

# Connect ports
# The last argument ConnPolicy() is a structure that contains the way
# to send data from one component to another. Default is "DATA"

# Let's run everything

# Setting the activity of
# "hello"
# to a period of 0.1 seconds (10Hz)
# with the thread priority of 10 (0..99)
# It's a standard linux thread


# call configureHook()
hello.configure() #  registered as an 'operation' called 'configure'
 # call updateHook()


# Note that parenthesis are not required for void arguments

# Let's see the data :

# It will show
# "Hello World !"


Open a deployer and copy/paste the lines one by one to test.

For further documentation, please refer to the Orocos Builder’s Manual.

Orocos - ROS bridge


All the magic is done by rtt_ros_integration https://github.com/orocos/rtt_ros_integration. Basically every ROS function that you might be used to call in regular rosnode has been wrapped for orocos to be Real-Time Safe.

Most used features :

  • Transform the deployer into a ROS node (rtt_rosnode)
  • Connect an Orocos port to a ROS topic (rtt_roscomm)
  • Connect an Orocos operation to a ROS service (rtt_roscomm)
  • Map Orocos Parameters with the ROS parameter server (rtt_rosparam)
  • Get the clock from ros (rtt_rosclock)

Custom Orocos Components with Catkin

Now let’s build our own Orocos Component (Very simple one with no ports, operation nor properties) :

#include <rtt/RTT.hpp>
#include <rtt/TaskContext.hpp>
#include <rtt/Component.hpp>
#include <rtt/Logger.hpp>

class MyComponent : public RTT::TaskContext
   // Constructor
   // That's the name you're gonna pass as first argument of "loadComponent"
   MyComponent(const std::string& name):
        RTT::log(RTT::Info) << "Constructing ! " << RTT::endlog();

   // The function called when writing my_component.configure()
   void configureHook()
        RTT::log(RTT::Info) << "Configuring  ! " << RTT::endlog();

   // The function called (periodically or not) when calling my_component.start()
   void updateHook()
        RTT::log(RTT::Info) << "Updating ! " << RTT::endlog();
ORO_CREATE_COMPONENT(MyComponent) //Let Orocos know how to build this component

The CmakeLists.txt can look like this :

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
    # This will automatically import all Orocos components in package.xml,
    # and put them in ${USE_OROCOS_LIBRARIES}


orocos_component(my_component MyComponent.cpp)
set_property(TARGET my_component APPEND

# orocos_install_headers(DIRECTORY include/${PROJECT_NAME})
orocos_generate_package(INCLUDE_DIRS include)

Then you can just call cd my_component; mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. && make. This will generate in the build directory what you can expect from a ROS package : a devel/ directory containing all the targets (here “my_component”) and a setup.bash.


Using a catkin workspace makes life much easier : you can put all your packages in src/, build them all at once, and you’ll have the setup.bash at my_ws/devel/setup.bash

Now if you source devel/setup.bash and then call deployer , Orocos will know MyComponent in its environnement :

getComponentTypes() # You will see MyComponent !


Using rtt_ros_integration you can also call :


Orocos documentation for building components : http://www.orocos.org/wiki/orocos/toolchain/getting-started/cmake-and-building

Orocos/ROS documentation for building components easily with catkin : https://github.com/orocos/rtt_ros_integration