Update the packages

We are periodically doing updates on the code (new tools, bug fixes etc), so keeping it up-to-date can be very useful.

To update all the packages we’re going to use the vcs-tools utility (https://github.com/dirk-thomas/vcstool).

It should be already installed during the installation procedure, otherwise sudo apt install python-vcstool.


cd ~/isir/orocos-2.9_ws/src
vcs pull
# update submodules for bleeding-edge updates (OPTIONAL)
vcs-git submodule foreach git checkout toolchain-2.9
vcs-git submodule foreach git pull

Update RTT ROS Integration

cd ~/isir/rtt_ros-2.9/src
vcs pull

Update rtt_lwr

cd ~/isir/lwr_ws/src
vcs pull
vcs-git submodule update

Update the documentation

Locally using sphinx

sudo -H pip install sphinx sphinx-autobuild recommonmark sphinx_rtd_theme

If you’re not part of the rtt_lwr developers :

  • Create an account on github
  • Go to rtt_lwr repo and fork it !
  • Clone it on your computer : git clone https://github.com/mysuperaccountname/rtt_lwr.

Once you have a recent copy of rtt_lwr :

  • Go to the docs directory : roscd rtt_lwr/../docs and type make livehtml.
  • Open your favorite webbrowser and go to to see the generated site locally.

Update the doc using your favorite text editor, like atom (https://atom.io).

One updated, git add -A and git commit -m "my super contribution" and open a pull request, that will be merged once validated.

Directly on github

Simply go to https://github.com/kuka-isir/rtt_lwr and edit files in docs. The only drawback is that you can only edit one file at a time.